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Standard queries

While adapters may define any queries that they would like, it is important that adapter collections use the same query names.

It is best practice to chose existing, standard queries when possible:

Fees & revenue​

oneDayTotalFeesQuery the USD value of all fees paid to a protocol on a given calendar date.Date
oneDayProtocolFeesQuery the USD value of fees collected by a protocol on a given calendar date.Date
dateRangeTotalFeesQuery the USD value of all fees paid between two datesStart date, end date
dateRangeProtocolFeesQuery the USD value of fees fees collected by a protocol between two datesStart date, end date


issuance7DayAvgUSDUSD value of assets issued per day (averaged over the previous 7 days)
issuanceRateCurrentThe annualized issuance rate percentage (in decimal form)

Transaction fees​

feeTransferEthStandard fee to transfer ETH
feeTransferERC20Standard fee to transfer an arbitrary token
feeSwapStandard fee to swap 2 assets