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How to make queries with REST API

The REST API is the most convenient way to access data from CryptoStats adapters.

How to make a single query​

To make a single query on a collection. Send a GET request to<collection-id>/<query>/<arg>

For example, to get the daily total fees for listed protocols in the fees collection;

const url = '';
const response = await fetch(url);
const json = await response.json();

How to make multiple queries​

To make multiple queries on a collection, send a GET request to<collection-id>/<query-1>,<query-2>/<query-1-arg>,<query-2-arg>

For example, to get the current treasury balance in USD and the current liquid treasury balance in USD

const url = ',currentLiquidTreasuryUSD';
const response = await fetch(url);
const json = await response.json();

Accessing adapter meta data​

💡 Tip​

You can access metadata for adapters by using the metadata=True query parameter<collection-id>/<query>/<arg>?metadata=True